

By the time I was pregnant with my first daughter, I was already a seasoned coach who believed my pre/postnatal certification was enough when in reality the holes and gaps in my education were glaring. It took until my first pregnancy in 2015 and birth to realize the importance of education specific tn the pre/postnatal community for personal trainers and coaches because we are often the first person mamas confide in. This course provides the exact tools this community of women so desperately need. In addition to the necessary and easily implementable tools for trainers and coaches, the community of coaches who have taken the course continue to support and help each other in a tight knit Facebook group. The insight and continuing education Brianna provides is invaluable. Since completion, I have gone on to help dozens of mamas in their motherhood journey, and I have had the opportunity to at events on the subject.

Beverley Simpson

I'd already taken a couple pre- and postnatal fitness courses before taking Brianna's but I learned so much from this course - even more than I thought I would. I especially loved how she took a top-down approach. If you know how to work with and support athletes through pregnancy and postpartum, you can use that knowledge to help support anyone - from an elite level athlete, to a mom who goes to the gym once in a while and simply wants to feel better in her body and life. I also love the supportive community Brianna's grown. The conversations that go on in the private group are incredibly insightful and help ensure my clients are getting the best support and tools I can give them. I know I always have somewhere to go for support. This is the kind of course I would have paid double (or even triple) for and I'm still learning more from Brianna's work every single week. She's very passionate about this and she cares about her community and that really shows.

Jenna Dalton

I've been a personal trainer for 4+years now and am pre and post natal certified through ACE. I've trained a number of pre and post natal women through the years with that knowledge. When I became pregnant (I'm 28 weeks now), I sought after more knowledge in what I should/shouldn't be done to ensure the health off my baby and my body during pregnancy and postnatally. I'm so thankful to my friend, Cheri Wissmann, who pointed me to Brianna Battles and this course! I just completed it and I have to say I learned so much. It was so valuable to me as a coach of things I need to consider when training my pre and post natal women, but also how I train myself through this pregnancy.

To say that everything I learned in my past certification is incomplete is a generous understatement. Like most coaches, I am slightly crazy and intense when it comes to exercise, and this course taught me to really consider why I would want to run and do plyometrics with a growing belly, and I willingly gave them up (and bought a sled and joined a spin studio to fill the void). I sought out a PFPT as a precaution. I, also, was being really mean and hard on myself for how my body was changing, looking and how everything that felt harder (especially before I got the cute bump), and this course was an amazing reminder to be kind to myself. And it made me realize what an amazing thing my body is doing and there is no rush to look the way I did pre-pregnancy to be able to everything I had been doing once the baby arrives.

I am proud to be a PPA with all of you. Thank you Brianna for your passion and for sharing your knowledge for this population to us so we can all start to make a difference in how pre and post natal mamas feel!

Stefanie Callens

One of the best decisions I made in 2017 was to #practicebrave and pursue my passion to help empower women in what can be such a vulnerable chapter of our lives. So thankful for Brianna starting this course. Looking forward to sharing what I have learned with women @thrivefitindy in 2018.

Emily Felton

Out of all the courses I have taken this is the one that I’m most proud of. I found Bri’s course when I needed it the most. Coming back to the gym after having a baby can be a very humbling, scary, and confusing experience. I saw women on social media hitting the gym with their six pack abs 6 weeks after having their baby hitting a clean, or deadlift and here I was having a hard time doing an air squat. I figured out on my on fairly quickly that running was out of the question and modifying all my movements was the only way i was going to get through the WOD. During this time is when I came across Lindsey Valenzuela’s Instagram page and she mentioned Brianna in one of her post baby posts. I visited her Instagram page and for the first time in a long time didn’t feel so alone on this journey. Every message I felt like she was talking to me and in that instant I knew I wanted to be a part of her movement. My goal is to be an advocate for this community and provided them with the knowledge they need not just for right now but for their long term fitness.

Monica Noel

I just wanted to reach out to you and tell you thank you! Your course, your message and the community you are creating is one of the best things that I’ve done professionally. Your passion, empathy and standards are truly appreciated! I love being a part of this group of smart, dedicated professionals changing the conversation about women’s bodies and fitness during this transitional time. I’m beyond grateful for you. 

Cara Turnquist

Brianna Battles’s Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism course was one of the best things I did for myself this year. Not only did it help me through reversing my prolapse, but it gave me one more tool in my toolbox to help this population. I am much more confident in training this population. If you are a coach or trainer working with moms or moms-to-be, you need this course. Know how to assess, program, and ask the right questions - before you start working with them. Be their advocate in this chapter of their lives.

Suzanne Ko - SKo-Fit

I started working with pregnant and postpartum women just over two years ago. Immediately I could see that something wasn't working in my classes. I was missing a major component of what postpartum trainers should be about: bridging the gap from rehab to fitness. I reached out to Brianna Battles because of her education and experience but also her consistent and strong message of advocating for women AND other coaches.

I had a lot of very athletic women coming to me (Crossfitters, powerlifters) because there was no one in my area doing what I was doing (at least well). That's when I realized something wasn't clicking and there was more to know. I had to work through some of my biases and rules and was able to learn from Bri who was sending a more progressive. athletic message that I realized was needed within this population. I've seen a lot of pendulums swing (mine included) back to center, where they probably always should have been.

She helped me fill in the gaps in my own knowledge and today I have no hesitations in recommending her to other fitness professionals who want to learn more about working with pre and postnatal women.

Jennifer Campbell, NSCA-CPT, Healthy Habits Happy Moms

I am so excited to have completed this course, helping women be their best prayer, during and after pregnancy! I’ve been able to implement this in our gym with so many clients, a lot that are not newly post partum, which was unexpected and exciting to me. We have clients who I’ve been able to help just learn to move with proper alignment and breathing while lifting, carrying, etc. It’s been a very eye opening and educating experience

Ashley Eddy

Sometimes you have to put yourself out there. Share your real story not just the pretty, perfect stuff. That’s how I was introduced to Bri as she shared her story at a time when I needed her message (after the birth of my daughter). I reached out to her and she answered my messages personally. There were questions and concerns that my own doctors either ignored or said I was fine. She answered my list of emails and even checked back up on me. She cares. 

Becoming a Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coach has provided me a community of like minded professionals like Bri for on-going support and education. I’ve learned stuff that in all honesty I wish I knew before my pregnancy. My goal is to go forward with each day and speak the sometimes uncomfortable truth and share the things that I wish I knew. That helps women to speak up and say, “hey, thank you for spreading this message as I thought this was normal.”

Leah Braun

I am so incredibly proud of this accomplishment. After making many mistakes throughout my own pregnancy when it came to fitness, leading to encouraging distasis recti and an umbilical hernia, I am determined to never let another woman say “I wish I knew”. I didn’t know, but I do now. I can’t wait to share my newfound knowledge with other women and empower them to make educated decisions

Kerri Grace

I'm really proud to say that I completed Brianna Battles' course on Pregnant and Postpartum Athleticism for Coaches and it was a total game-changer.

I've worked with women in the postpartum chapter of their lives for a while and I've always had to do my own research on special considerations, etc.

This course is so thorough and really helps connect the dots. I highly recommend it for other coaches and I feel so much more confident coaching women during pregnancy and beyond.

Alyssa Nakos One Strong Mother Personal Training

As a physical therapist, I was consistently finding that an element was missing in helping my female clients. I began searching for what that element was and that’s when I found Bri. I became a member of her online coaches course and I can confidently say I got way more than I bargained for. Not only did this course provide me with the resources and education I needed to put me on the right track, it opened so many more doors for me. I respect and admire Bri’s work for using the most up to date research, which helps me in clinical decision-making, and for consistently staying true to herself and to her mission. As a CrossFit coach and personal trainer as well, I can say that the knowledge I have gained from this course and the recourses I’ve gained through participating in it have changed the way that I work with my female clients for the better. I have seen so much progress in my female clients, not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally as well, to which I have gotten many, many thanks over the past year. Thank you Bri for being the change we need in the women’s fitness industry – your work is SO appreciated!!

April Wheeler, DPT

Brianna Battles is an immense wealth of knowledge, professional integrity, and empathy. Her polished and always-evolving skill set is a gift to the fitness industry. Brianna's impact on women's strength and conditioning is particularly noteworthy; she has helped thousands of women make a strong return to their athleticism postpartum while prioritizing each individual woman's concerns, goals, and abilities. She is not only a trusted advocate for athletes but an accomplished mentor for coaches, as well. Her dedication to this field and her heart for this population is unparalleled.

Haley Shevenar - Pre and Postnatal trainer, RKC, USAW