Practicing Brave: 2016

I didn’t blog much this year. Most of my writing was on Facebook and Instagram, but since this whole thing started as a “dear diary” blog nearly 8 years ago, I’m writing this today so I can look back on this phase of motherhood, career, family and change. It’s important to me to keep this tradition of reflection and growth. My “intention” for this year developed about half way through….it was to “practice brave” and oh was this a challenge, between self-confidence and ownership and vulnerability in business, relationships and opportunities. Trusting in brave and practicing it when it felt uncomfortable led to some pretty amazing opportunities. I’ll be keeping this mantra around for a while. 😉

I’ll start with business…this year I went from totally winging it, to winging it slightly less. 😉 I disassociated myself professionally from an organization and methodologies that no longer reflected my beliefs and education. My mental health has been so much better for it! It was liberating to listen to my heart at that deep of a level, despite repercussions and fear of feeling good enough to fly totally solo. Thankfully I have a wonderful professional support unit behind me that not only preaches love, education and empowerment, but evidence. I need to be surrounded by positive messaging, less hypocrisy and deeper education. Trusting myself allowed me to feel more confident moving forward establishing my voice in a freeing way. Things took off on social media, giving my message a bit more exposure, thanks to this post. And that response….that’s when I KNEW I needed to take this on in a big way…a way that seemed greater than anything I was ready for.

So I did…I created this online course for pregnant and postpartum athletes…basically everything I wish I would have known, that I should have known, yet I was misguided by the “fit pregnancy,” “body back” messaging, coming from unreliable resources. I know personally that female athletes need better info than what they’ve been given.  And now I hear their stories from around the world from women who are grateful to finally have answers. This has been a good resource for my clients and women who want to know what to do and how to do it during these chapters of their athletic career. I feel proud to have put this out in the universe this year!

I also released my first online training program, a 6 week postpartum strength program for the female athlete. I never thought I would put out a generic training program, but this niche desperately needs more guidance than what they’ve been given. So another piece of my heart and brain that is out there for anyone to see! Ahh!

I’ve had more speaking/teaching opportunities with the most notable being presenting at an NSCA conference, going to Thailand to teach Strength and Conditioning at the Sports Authority of Thailand for 2 weeks, and an upcoming 2017 CSM meeting for Physical Therapy in San Antonio! Clients have grown, classes have stayed consistent and I’m doing consults with women from all over the world, all from my kitchen counter (online) or my garage! Ha!

Lastly, I’ve been working for a year with Jennifer Campbell and Julie Wiebe on creating an online course for fitness and rehab professionals, because honestly change and education starts with US. We can reach more women by teaching those who interact with them! Our business is Female Fitness Pro, launching the online course, HOLD STRONG, in just a few months! There’s nothing else out there like this. I’m so excited to see our vision turn into a reality, and thrilled to be a co-founder of this business and this MOVEMENT! Get on the wait list for updates and awesome content!

Family: To say things have been busy here may be an understatement, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been a year of fun. We have traveled a lot both internationally, out of state and locally in our little motorhome! To balance work and motherhood, I try to take Cade on mini adventures, whether it’s hiking or a quick beach day! It’s incredibly important for our family to incorporate getaways and activities, because our careers and parenthood demand quite a lot of energy and effort! ha! Speaking of, after a Facebook post I wrote about Jared’s career went viral and we made local and national news, throwing us into a spotlight we never could have anticipated! I’ll never forget that week!

Marriage: There were highs and lows, Jared and I are both so competitive, stubborn and independent that we clash or disengage. It’s easy to check out, something we are both incredibly guilty of, but we’re a work in progress and we acknowledge our individual and marital faults.  Going to Tahiti was a really good thing for our marriage. Obviously. Ha. Overall, we continue to grow as teammates, parents and in our relationship. What holds us together is our undeniable level of support for one another’s growth and needs. I couldn’t do what I’m doing without his encouragement and kicks in the ass. 🙂

Me: I’ve been hanging in there! I hit one of my lows in April, leading into my 3oth birthday…it had been building after a personal loss and it was something I had a very hard time rebuilding from. Thankfully, I had people who loved me through it, doing their best to show up and help. I leaned into the people closest to me, opened up and got the love I needed to keep showing up and moving forward. I have a tendency to want to shut down, even though I’m so passionate. Learning to respect the highs and lows is an ongoing process for me, but I’m grateful to be learning with every passing year. It’s humbling and teaches me newer levels of compassion and reflection. My training has taken a back seat to motherhood and growing my businesses…it’s still present, just not as much time can be dedicated to it during this time in my life, and that’s ok. I did to a triathlon for the first time in forever, so that was good! I’m still healthy and strong and unlimited and I’m so thankful for what my body does for me.

Cade: Is 3 and is my greatest teacher. I’m so in love with him and our story and forever thankful he has taught me everything I ever needed to know about myself. I’m reliving all the beautiful, simple things through his curious eyes and heart. I love toddlerhood- I mean, definitely not all of it, but it’s fun seeing the little human he’s becoming, with that strong personality and non-stop energy. He’s such a gift to this world.  <3

You guys: You have shown such support, love and participation whether I know you in real life or not. I appreciate our interactions, your words, the fact that you read what I write, or trust me to guide your training and mindset in a different kind of way. You give me confidence and assurance that my voice is valid, my mission is needed and my struggles are often your struggles. Love to all, Happy New Year.


<3 Brianna Battles



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